
Thanks for reading! I have not heard of Mike Davis, must check him out. Three Hands Books aren't always cheap (though they usually have affordable editions) but they are powerful!

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Amazing stuff, I feel like Davis has found a way to make the medieval painting technique resonate with present dread without being at all corny.

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May 27, 2023Liked by Erik Davis

Cool list Erik! Love the look of Josep Baque!

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May 26, 2023Liked by Erik Davis

thank you, erik

great stuff

especially like being reminded of dale pendell's books

nice to find there are others, similar



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Hey there bushy. I know about Burt (love his images in the Corman Poe films as well as Chidester's catalog). But I haven't heard of Millarc. Thanks for the tip!

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I discussed making a special edition available with Mark McCloud, whose stories and archive are of such central importance to the book that he is basically its unlisted coauthor. We are discussing the possibilities.

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Yep I am looking forward to that one coming out! I don't travel as ravenously as I once did but I am gonna use the publication of this as an excuse to cruise around and meet various communities, hopefully make my way to Europe too. I am really really happy with how this one came out, I hope it's embraced as a classic!

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Sounds like you have a fun gig teaching! Weird lit is such a fascinating topic, funny to think how little attention it got just not so long ago, and now its almost THE genre...I do try and be nourishing in the midst of it all...

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Any time Erik talks books, I put aside all else and do a deep dive on what he recommends. Never ever disappointing. I cannot wait to check out Green Mysteries. I don’t know my ass from my elbow on this topic, but I know enough to be fascinated by it, and am also always looking to grow my occult library. I hope as an admittedly normie New Englander, I can put some of its content to use. We have a wonderful apothecary here in RI called Farmacy Herbs which I frequent, so perhaps this book will inspire new self-experimentation.

Three Hands Press is new to me as well. Perhaps a little above my pay grade perusing their titles, but very interesting nonetheless. I noticed one of the books had cover art by Mike Davis, who I commissioned to do a discordian-themed painting last year. That painting rocks my world every time I sit in front of it. I feel like I’m about to go down a Three Hands Press rabbit hole now that there’s that connection.

As always, thanks for writing articles that get me stoned, Erik.

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mention with in this Article there are several name’s glowing within the molten glass upon this Fiery Shore. One of the many names here to to be investigated as an Acolyte of Great Art, early 1960’s LSD inspired Art, is BURT SHONBURG, another being William Millarc, who was a Oregonian Artist moved to LA in the late 40’s. William & Burt both took part in the very first experiments studying high dose LSD & Art in LA, Dr. Nick Bercel & Dr. Oscar Janiger.

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Always enjoy the act of ‘self immolation’ here on the Fiery Shore, appreciate your work Erik. I am hopeful you will consider offering ‘Blotter’ in a small hardback run(?) perhaps with a ‘perforated jacket’?,..i’m certain there would be several “Fiery Shore immolators” available to participate in pre-payment.

Great Works should last more than one lifetime.

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You're the best, Erik.

Can't wait for this to come out but happy its available for pre-order (,-)

Blotter: The Untold Story of an Acid Medium by Erik Davis


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Wow, can’t wait for that to be available in the states!

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Quick comment: THP looks great! Can’t wait to pick some of these titles.

First encountered you on the Ezra Klein show, so ran out and grabbed TechGnosis. 200 pages in and loving it. Thanks for keeping it Weird.

It all feeds into two classes I teach, one on weird lit and another--in development--on AI. I’ve found it nourishing to have your voice in the mixture.

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The Green Mysteries looks beautiful and fascinating. It is a shame that it appears to be wholly sold out... Hopefully there will be a reprint some time soon.

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If you hunt around you can find it in other locations, at least I did a few days ago. I wanted to link to the Three Hands site directly but some resellers have it.

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It’s available on Amazon...

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