Just finished the video Between Sacred & Profane: Psychedelic Culture, Drug Spiritualities, and Contemporary America. Good stuff, so good that it made me grieve a life not lived.

I often wonder what my life would have looked like had I pursued academia, but traditional education and I always had a difficult relationship. The video made me long for that alternate timeline of inquiry and dialog shared with others. That leaves books as my guide and, Jesus, there's just so many books unread. I recently finished reading Horgan's Mind-Body Problems. Got about 1/4 of High Weirdness left to read...all wonderfully heady stuff.

In a related event, had a dream about my maternal grandfather last night. This alone was weird, since I haven't dreamt of him for decades. He said, "I really wished you would have gone to college." I offered an excuse about age, temperament, time, and money. Then he said, "Well, you were right about Roe v. Wade though." This made the dream gush WTF. He died when I was 14 and I hadn't seen him in the four years previous.

I know I've just scratched the surface of Everything, but thanks for providing your continual insight.

PS, If you got the time, I'm curious: have you read Daniel Quinn's "Ishmael"? If so, what did you take from it?

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Hey there. Glad you enjoyed the talk. I find as I get older I grieve harder about lives not lived, even as I appreciate that one I am living (and, to a degree, the one I actually lived) more. Same thing with books -- I mean, maybe all of Proust or Finnegans Wake *just isnt going to happen*. Not sure what to do about that.

I had a big dose of higher education when I was a young man but I was very glad I avoided academia for twenty years before getting my PhD. I think the important thing is to keep your noggin lively, the questions sharp, the heady books in the mix...(even if you don't finish them).

I liked Ishmael a lot when I read it many years ago. Most of all I remember the perspective of a nonhuman on the human predicament. It offered an intelligent holistic anti-anthropocentric "species" view that didnt fall into some of the easy romanticism of a lot of New Age critiques of contemporary civilization. I also remain largely convinced by the idea that "the Fall" is really the fall into agriculture. But I need to reread it now!

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I've forgotten all about this but I got a notification that someone recently "liked" my over a year-old comment and now my dream seems REALLY strange.

The supreme court leak wasn't exposed until 5/2/22.

I'm not going read too much into this but, hahahaaa, weirdness!

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Sometimes it is best just to look away....

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Thank you! This looks outstanding.

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Sounds great. Definitely watch the extraordinary Pather Panchali, although be prepared for an emotional gut punch.

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Another excellent transmission! Thanks brother Erik. I meant to watch The Disciple but it slipped off my radar (Netflix queue) so thanks for the reminder and nudge. I discovered Sanjit Ray earlier this year thanks to Criterion, but have only watched his funny and sharply critical film about the yoga guru. All the best from Vancouver Island


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