
Hey there. What a fun koinkydink. I just rewatched Alice in the Cities which my wife had not seen. A jewel. Next up is Kings of the Road, maybe Paris Texas and that one that starts with the sci-fi movie. Great stuff. Until the End of the World was not improved in its directors cut though.

Humanist existentialism is very nourishing at this point for some reason. Not nostalgia so much as return with a difference. Rock and jump on!

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I have never heard about that, I am sorry to hear it. That didnt even seem like a lot, as you say. I don't know any remedies I am afraid but good luck with it...

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You've grown to be one of my favourite wordsmiths, I relish your turn of phrase and the way your metaphors sometimes leak into each other, sometimes unfurl in a bloom that attracts a bee who buzzes on to pollinate another phrase. Don't think they're many who could pull off a profound rendition of gyms and parking lots, always a 100% open rate for this substack (hopefully my unabashed praise isn't too cringey)

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Thanks for your astute comments. I am pretty intentional about the prose and work hard on it to make it sing that way, so that the turns of phrase strike overtones across the piece. I am glad you are enjoying it, bees and all.

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That's funny Erik, I was just taking a break to read my email after watching HOUSE, and insane old Japanese horror movie on Criterion) when I came upon your missive.

I am also going back 30 years with an old friend to rewatch all of Wenders films every couple weeks, then meet for hikes to discuss, a lazy existential book club.

I'm not a huge fan of nostalgia but I do find current content ... void of course.. and notice lot of people seeking solace in watching their formative programming.

Gotta go jump rope now!

(Alas my sophisticated Prog Rock favorites vary their tempo too much, may have to settle for Ted Nugent! 🤣)

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Watching is a kind of meditation for me. Birds, squirrels, wind through the trees, an ant foraging on the windowsill. Humans and their cars. There’s so much going on at any given moment. All alignments. All intents. All flows and cycles. Like those pictures where you have to blur your vision to see, but with your awareness. I become everything for a bit. It’s kinda wild.

You don’t even have to do drugs!

Thanks for your beautiful workout rendition.

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Yeah you really don’t have to do drugs. In addition to all the stuff going on there is also the crisp event of its happening at all. One version of that “blur” you describe is the way that framing reality in real time as “mere appearance “ paradoxically makes it more vivid and sweet. Thanks as always for reading!

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Man, I too love the sauna. What a magical practice. I’ve had to quit though, sadly, because doing it just 3x per week for 20 min per session, has destroyed the skin on my face. I hate to quit over such a surface level concern (pun intended) but it just got to be too much. If anyone has a home remedy to protect the face from the rigors of the sauna, please share!

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