Mmmm, like waves against the bandstand dancers broke. You touch on elements I am exploring within my own writing path. The emergent born from our individual selves that cause ripples within a resonant community. Seeking for and sharing our uniqueness to further echo what first rang true within, but too allow for and to encourage not just the call, but the response as well.. I am really appreciating many of the dialogues that seek to push the crest of the wave out past the horizon. Real dia logos from spaces of authenticity, below the storyline, but including our personal imprint.

Garcia was a channel. While he was surely uncomfortable with accepting any esoteric label that might engender him with unwanted attention, his ability to connect with that ephemeral and ineffable always newly emergent other was at the time, beyond compare. He seemed to be able to step behind the veil and share what he was experiencing, even if simply thru the transrational tones of his guitar.

Peaking through the veil, we can sense the value held within. It may just inspire some dance, or some poetry... but no one who touches the echo of non duality returns the same as before. Can the Tao be coopted by market forces? It likely wouldn't be the true and complete Tao, or at least thats how the saying (sort of) goes.

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