Amazing! I know I have read other UAP stories that feature pink, it would be interesting to do a colorized organization of sightings to see what hues dominate. The writing on this one was funny too.

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Yowza! What a delightful game of synchro pinball. You are doing my work for me. And I always suspected that there was a more direct connection between Kirby and PKD than I had thought of (not being a Marvel expert). And now I have it! Thanks...

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"There’s a crack in everything, after all, but that’s how the pink beams in."


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I saw the reference immediately & was greatly rewarded to have you confirm my observation in further words. I have subscribed.

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I have met John at Esalen and we had a good chat. The man has a lot on his plate!

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Not at the moment but I am checking with the Alembic about making it available...

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I should rewatch that episode with this in mind...there is definitely a nest of rabbit holes here!

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Shazam! The numerology of Pink revealed. 2-3 in 2-3 74 refers to the months of Feb and March , not a specific date, but it is impossible not to recognize and celebrate that pesky 23...

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Well just a reminder that there are $10 streaming tickets for the chat with Kripal, with provision made for folks in other time zones. Thanks!

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LOL, for sure. Its about having your (corporate) cake and burning it to...

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Thanks Margaret, couldnt agree more. Sorry you wont be up here to hang with Jeff!

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Hahaha. I like your vim. I am more of an antennae. I did not reflect on the meme of the moment "in order" to seem hip and contemporary, but to reflect on a strange juxtaposition in the mass mind, which is pop critics do. But still I like your vim!

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Good stuff. There are all sorts of strange, tangential syncs to Barbenheimer:

• William S Burroughs is sent to the Los Alamos Ranch School as a boy to toughen him up. This is the same area that Oppenheimer visited earlier and later chose as the site for building the Bomb.

• The "Burroughs" documentary film, we see that there is a Dr. Steel action figure on Burrough's dresser at his N.Y. Bunker. He's part of Big Jim's Wolf P.A.C.K. -- a series of Mattel toys... as in the same Mattel that makes Barbie.

• The art for the '70s Wolf P.A.C.K. toys was done by Jack "the King" Kirby, "co"-creator of all of Marvel's main superheroes.

• In late 1974, Kirby's OMAC (One Man Army Corps) hits the stands. It features an AI satellite named Brother Eye who gives OMAC his powers via a beam from space. In the reissue collection from a few years ago, and maybe in the original (I don't have it to check) in at least some of the panels, this beam is colored pink. Backtrack a few months from the release date, and this puts Kirby conceiving of and drawing the book in maybe Spring of '74 (likely a bit earlier).

• In Feb 74, a pink laser beam from space hits Philip Dick and downloads a lot of weird info into his mind. He calls the source VALIS (Vast Active Living Intelligence System), a satellite in orbit above Earth. Not unlike Brother Eye.

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When seeing the 'B' in the new Barbie logo used for the movie, it looks like a rearranged OM symbol, which is read like a glyph to do with the dream state. Also, the film was was released on 7,21,23 which encodes 723 a backwards 327. 3x2x7 = 42, and inversion is 24. The Exegesis of Philip K Dick has on the spine 2-3-74, which (correct me if I'm wrong) was the date of his visions of alternate history.

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You were killing it perfectly blinding pink could have been an all-timer one stores to look at years later

and then for some reason to show hip and contemporary you somehow had to link Oppenheimer like everyone else

who gives a fuck about Andreessen, he of the biggest proctologist in Silicon Valley?

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I just saw Barbie last weekend. Was not expecting a plot that hinged on A Philip K. Dick-style deus ex machina. Greta Gerwig is one sharp cookie, to script out that saga. A psychedelic level of insight, not that Gerwig necessarily required the use of psychedelic substances in order to achieve it. Some people are just that good.

On the other hand, I'd venture that psychedelics almost certainly had a pronounced influence on whoever it was crafted the set design. That was some saturated Layout.

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