
Thanks for your kind words. For me its been important keeping in touch with my earliest love of power chords and famous metal bands, even as the rest of my listening and playing has changed so much. (I mostly just play acoustic these years...) Its just like remembering those connections to early influences or mentors, like the family you are talking about. Gotta give props even when they are goofy!

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Great piece. I didn't know about EVH's on the fly B string tuning that is so cool. It is crazy how grief works. AC/DC Is what started me playing guitar, got an epiphone sg, lol. There was a family nearby that was obsessed with rock, and Van Halen especially, the dad built his own guitars and everything. Started jamming with them pretty regularly. EVH passing hit me pretty hard, remembering all of that. That speaker set up sounds amazing, I love your description of "The groove of the album’s 1986 vinyl pressing now fills my living room with angelic partials, ghost resonances, and overtone portals" beautiful stuff.

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