Thank you for the stories and reviews Erik. You are one of my favorite US "cultural DJs". I follow you from the old boot, Italy. Your gigs may be few but they never disappoint. This is my first ever comment on the shore and I thought to approach the event and the DJ with a...request. It's a matter of personal curiosity initiated by a coincidence and a similitude in names. I got to know your work through your old site, Expanded Minds in 2020 and, not long after, I stumbled upon a theory called The Spread Mind Theory, by Riccardo Manzotti. I've found the SMT to be one of those intellectual exercises that I would not hesitate to define as weird, at least initially, so I thought to ask the best scholar in the field if you have heard or red about the theory and, in case, what were your thoughts.

Be well


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Hey Sergio. I have not heard of Manzotti and his appealing sounding Spread Mind Theory. I must investigate! Any pointers or clues?

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Hi Erik, you can take a look at Manzotti's website:


There you'll find a concise explanation, then obviously, you can check out the book which delves deeper into the logics of the theory. I find it fascinating and weird at the same time because, as the name implies, it suggests that the brain is "larger" than the body that containes it. I believe he's working on empirical proof. Not sure where he's at with that though. Quite "out there" as scientific theories go and one that could potentially revolutionise perception about the world we inhabit. If Expanding Minds was still active I would have loved to hear you talking to him. I believe it would have made an extremely interesting conversation to listen to.

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What a way to ring in the new year - marvelous piece! Eager for Entheon to open soon. Need to get my transdenominational prayer in. 🙏

Can’t imagine going about life without my trusty noise-cancelling headphones. I’ll take that foggy hiss of mild tinnitus over piercing sound explosions and intrusive drones anytime.

Wondering if there’s a visual equivalent to auditory noise. I suppose that would include visual pollution like excessive artificial lighting and billboards? Normalize sunglasses at night!

Hoping to drop by the Dharmanaut Circle sometime, catching up on the recordings first. ⭕️

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Hey there. Oh yes, I definitely whip out my noise cancelling cans when the need strikes. I have established a certain threshold for irritation so that I just dont reflexively use them a lot, but if I can ease the jangle with them, no problem. Hope to see you at a DC!

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Lots of good stuff in here! Thanks for sharing Erik.

I saw Sunn many moons ago in a small church in Toronto. It was heavy. Here’s a link to a cool doc about O’Malley that shows his process https://youtu.be/D5b2MSEz58U

Kali is an interesting artist and a bewitching woman. I’ll check out more.

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Hey Brian, great to hear from you. Didn't know about that O'Malley doc, I look forward to that. I met him once, in robes, and he was very friendly and easy to talk to -- always such a pleasure with someone who could throw down as an edgelord and deserve it!

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