As Crowley said to the bar maid, "Wow," perfect.

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Thanks man! I put it all into this one...

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Thanks for the writing 🙌

In the last few months I have listened to both High Weirdness and TechGnosis (after first seeing you on that Jason Silva video) and I am blown away by the synthesis in your perspective.

I wish I had a more articulate message of gratitude, but for now I will settle for: thank you for your texts which are helping me continue riding these waves.

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Hi Tom. I am glad you enjoyed the audiobooks! I am sorry that I did not read TechGnosis as well as High Weirdness, but people seem to like the reader alright. Really appreciate you reaching out to let me know it all resonates. That's good medicine!

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And if it ever comes to pass that you release an audio version of you reading TechGnosis I would check it out. The current reader does a fine job, and there is a noticeable benefit in how you inflect/accentuate the text, especially sections that are full of quotations/references.

Regardless, I look forward to continuing to engage with your work. Particularly as you are taking a unique angle on the paywall game. I will keep my eyes/ears open if you discuss your thoughts on this approach more, and if you happen to have any reference at hand that has inspired how you are approaching paywall dynamics I would love to check it out.

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Thanks Tom. I am glad to hear you find the current reader acceptable. Knowing how long it takes to record one of these, I doubt my reading Techgnosis will happen any time soon. The book I *would* like to record though is my Led Zep book, which is short and funny, and has many good lines that I think the current reader just didn't grok at all. Here is hoping!

Yes the whole paywall thing...we will see! The basic idea is a place to have conversations, perhaps not too furiously, but casually, among digital friends, plus the occasional easter egg drop of weird media. I did a podcast for a decade without making a dime, and I would like to think that this Internet thing can be made meaningful, in some small but still valuable way, for creators and readers/enjoyers alike.

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This made me literally laugh out loud: "So how to resist freaking out? Besides loving everybody—good luck with that—we also need to patch together some sort of common ground..."

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Yeah there is always that fine line between cynicism and realism. Important to get it right, and it seems like humor is part of the key!

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