Thanks for the kind words all. I didnt realize I had comments but I like em! I will be including interviews here and am also cooking up podcast possibilities, something new...

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"I have always had a difficult time identifying my overall project, interests, and approaches. I am interested in too many things, I know a little about too much, and I can’t help tying it all together in interesting ways only to encourage it to unravel.." and “My inconsistency makes me a publicist’s nightmare…”

Love this. So relate. Although I haven’t found a place to ‘land’ I’m comforted by stories of the transcendent learning of Hermes Trismegistus, the messenger welcome in many worlds. And the Way of the Fool. Your musings prompted me to revisit this old post:

"The Way of the Fool.... "these travellers study under a variety of Masters, preserve their own identity, and rarely undertake vows of silence that bind them to a particular teaching" (The Zelator, Mark Hedsel)

Seems to me that any curious traveller must necessarily prove ignorant time and again as they leave the safety of the known again and again, learning the process of learning while exploring the many schools of thought on offer.

Not for them the over-identification with one school, one book, one creed, but rather a keen observation of how these things come to be and what purposes they serve (and disserve) in the broader scheme of things. If one wishes to be an authority of the known, then one is learned, communicating to the extent of the current level of learned acquisition.

But if one is Exploring, then how much more interesting, nay, Joyous! that communicative exploration is..... if the starting point is not fear of the unknown but PURSUIT of it..... Do you see the Pure Pleasure in being a fool? This is why the fool travels so lightly, leaping off cliff’s edges time and again, learning all the while."

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Thanks so much for this post and this inspiring quotation. It is very easy to feel heavy these days, where as the fool is lightness, lightness even in the midst of sometimes ponderous mysteries. The Way of the Fool is another form of being anti-authoritarian--not here so much a resistance to outside authority but from the ego's own desire to mantle itself with Authority.

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Stoked for this newest iteration of Erik Davis Intellectual Outreach. RIP Expanding Mind? Either way, you have my support. From the other side of the Pacific ring of fire, I scan the horizon for a glimpse of the Burning Shore...

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Love the new title and focus on our gilded state.

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Don't worry 'bout me, noooooo

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Love this! Will pay when my credit card is in hand.

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