The Arkonology talk was great. Really helped me with developing my own sometimes paranoid intuitions that have resulted from spiritual seeking combined with a deep dive into geopolitics and modern power structures, into something more tangible. I've had this sense of our institutions having a sort of emergent, agent-like behavior (or as you put, a "spiritual quality") for some time. It's a hard thing to juxtapose with a skeptical, rational understanding of reality. It's especially difficult to not be frightened by the implications. As someone who was raised Catholic and abandoned it in my teens, I am uncomfortable with the implication that I might find some of the answers to my searching in theology, but the ideas resonated strongly with me. Perhaps it's time to read some Walter Wink.

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Hi Erik! I really enjoyed the Carlos Castaneda podcast documentary. Do you have any info as to where we can hear Part 2? It's nowhere on the site with the six chapters of Part 1. Thanks!

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